Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Scarlett Johansson Sexy Hot Pictures

Scarlett Johansson
There are rumors out there on the Internet that naked pictures of Scarlett Johansson have been circulating. Even one site has shown them, but no one knows if they had been Photo shopped or are even real. People are suggesting that her phone had been hacked and somehow they got distributed. First of all, do you think that Scarlett Johansson would be that stupid to allow naked pictures of herself be taken when she has been acting since she was a kid and has had an exceptional reputation as an actress? It is sad when the media has to go this far to report on these things. If she did have the pictures taken it is no ones business but her own. She is a such a talented actress and good down to earth person. People should just leave her alone. Let her go on with her work and keep entertaining us with her wonderful acting skills. It is sad that some people from the media have to go this far.

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